I asked my mom what is dark humor. She said "see them boy over there in the wheelchair, ask him to walk." I said, "but I’m blind." She responded, "Exactly."
Did you see the blind guy trip on a can?
He didn't either.
If a blind person can’t see, then do they sleep?
They’re the night watchers while people who see sleep.
What's the natural cure to an old man's inability to forgive people?
What has 30 legs but can't swim?
A bus full of children!
Why can’t blind people eat fish? Because it’s sea food.
My name is Bishal Khan and I can't walk.
One time in my dream, I had a dream that all people in wheelchairs could walk. It was awesome; I could walk!
I bought a book for my blind friend.
So, Helen Keller walks into a bar... And then a table.
What did Stevie Wonder see when he got murdered?
What did Sally do when she got home?
Cry because she has no arms.
I can't sleep, that's because you're dead.
A girl named Sally has no arms.
She never answered...
How come the toilet paper could not make it across the road?
Because of the Corona Virus
What do you call a dog with no legs?
It don't matter what you call it, 'cause it ain't gonna come to you.
Suicidal ideation is like wanting to slaughter someone but knowing/feeling that you can't. It's also, in a way, kind of like seeing a really hot chick that you wish you could F, but you again for whatever reason you either feel you can't or you just can't.
I can’t stand disabled jokes...
Neither can they 😂
Why did Sally drown in the pool?
She had no arms, remember.
Where do you find a turtle with no legs?
Right where you left it.