Say no to drugs kids, suddenly, the poster dissapeared. I hallucinated. Must have been the cocaine.
What did the orphan say to his parents? I'm tripping balls right now
I have a friend who recently stoped smoking and the withdraw was hallucination. He went to my house and thought there was a shark in the pond in my backyard. So, I would like to dedicate these lyrics to my friend. I see a dreamer over there by the water!
kid with hallucinations and cancer on jeopardy game show
what's behind curtain #1... YOU HAVE WON..... CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i went 80 mph on a school zone and one of the speed bumps screamed am i hallucinating?
Caution: looking at your hairline can cause being delirious and having hallucinations.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia The symptoms of this condition are fairly easy to recognize, because they stand out so distinctly from a person’s usual behavior. In order for a diagnosis to be made, the person must suffer from two more of the following for at least one month:
Delusions Hallucination
Symptoms of Schizophrenia The symptoms of this condition are fairly easy to recognize, because they stand out so distinctly from a person’s usual behavior. In order for a diagnosis to be made, the person must suffer from two more of the following for at least one month:
Delusions Hallucinations
a knife is like hallucinations both in your head