what does rapboat and caseoh have in common? They're both chubby
what is rapboat's favorite musical note? A minor
What’s a rapper’s favorite type of fishing?
Catching BIG BASS
What do you call a sad rapper?
Who gets more dick, straight male rap fans or straight male swifties? Answer: Straight male rap fans, because there’s no such thing as a straight male swiftie.
I cannot believe Kelly Clarkson's music is considered pop! More like comatose music!
Today I put the women’s rights book in the fantasy section of a library.
It isn't rap music if it isn't about rape.
I got kicked out of Social Studies class when my teacher made us watch a women's rights documentary. When he asked us what the genre of the film was, I put my hand up and said "Fiction."
Whats the favorite Song of an Emo? Chain Hang Low
Why did techno die? They broke his bed
I started an emo salsa band. We're called Hispanic at the Disco.
What is an Emo’s favourite music element?
Self harmony.
You know how sometimes you want to listen to music?
But everything you listen to is just supremely unsatisfying, even if it's songs you usually love; they are just so unappealing, and you have no idea what you actually want to listen to.
What category of music did JFK like?
You could say he was a metalhead.
What song genre do the national anthems fit into?
I got kicked out of the school library for placing a women's rights book in the fiction section.
What's a rabbit's favorite song?
Hip hop.
I heard a joke about heavy metal earlier. It was pretty ironic.
Using modern day technology you can produce music with a Tesla coil. I don't know if you heard it, but it is quite shocking and even electrifying. I can't tell if it is metal or techno, but it is more valuable than joules. It really amps up your blood pressure and has you saying watt the whole time. It is way better than current music.