Did you fart, cause you blew me away.
Dark..Humor :)
Did you fart, cause you blew me away.
Dark..Humor :)
One day, the fat kid came up to me and asked me, "What's cracking?" The floorboards, you idiot. You're causing a 9.7 Richter scale earthquake and asking ME what's cracking. It would be best if you looked down for a second.
Why do orphans die so much? Cause MJ said " she got covid-19 "
Anybody remember 9/11? Cause I sure do, and oh boy was my father a good pilot.💥
Why cant orphans play baseball cause theres no home.
What is the diffrence between a apple tray and a orphan the apples get picked.
why don't orphans play minecraft cause technoblade is on the platfrom
Cheesus hates me yeah I know cause he's a real douchelord fictional character
So Biden and the zele and Putin on a plane and the plane losses attitude and goes down but there are 2 parachutes and Putin takes the first one and jumps cause he is a greedy twat so he jumps but then Biden says “you go zele I am much older than you and it is so ok for me to die.” So zele takes the second one and jumps but when he did the plane regains attitude and Biden got to Washington DC all fine.they found out the reason was zele’s steels balls
What did the orphan do when he got punched? nothing cause his parents werent there! :)
Why does a straight guy act gay? Because he wants to feel wanted and wants to be BFFs with the hottest girls.
Why can't orphans work at McDonald's? Because they call their employees family.