My teacher called me beautiful. I hate when she lies.
What do you call Autistic kids baking?
"Downies" with brownies.
What do you call a kid who sings well?
Melodic Minor
What do you call Hitler in a pool? Adolfin.
My friend called me a dick earlier. I said, "You are what you eat." He then proceeded to run away from me.
why are orphans so naughty at school its not like the teacher is gonna call theyre parents
Me: Y’all should start calling me 1943.
Friend: Why?
Me: 'Cause I’m going through my own Great Depression.
What do you call cheese that is not your cheese.
what do you call a guy named kaiden. idk lol
Why can't orphans be gay?
They have nobody to call "daddy."
What do you call a retard with a ak special forces
What do u call an IT teacher that touches his students?
A PDF file
what do you call an orphan at the dinner table?
family dinner!
What do you call a graveyard full of disabled people? A cabbage patch.
what do u call joey in a room...... transgender
What do you call Josh in a room...
There was a kid being mean to another kid at an orphanage. The kid said, "Stop!" but the mean one said, "What are you going to do? Call your mommy?"
If your sister steps on your toe, what will you call it?
What is a four leg animal called that can fly
A donkey flying in the sky running away from me
Paralyzed Man: * gets up * I’m out of here
Blind Man : Did that paralyzed man just get up
Deaf Man : did that Blind Man see that paralyzed man get up
Mute Man: did that deaf man just hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
Dead Man: did that mute man just say did that deaf man just hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
“Normal” Man: Did that dead man hear the mute man say didt that deaf man hear the blind man see the paralyzed man get up
Doctor: * calls 911*
911 service: 911 what’s your emergency
Doctor: yes uh, a “normal” person just said taht did that dead man just hear a mute man say did that deaf man just hear the blind man see a paralyzed man get up
911 service: * hangs up*