so you know theres likedog mixes rhight like a snoodle and that stuuf right so why cant a bull dog and a shight shu cant be mixed cause if they did it would be called bullshit
🤔 😳 👨 👨 👨 👨 Why do four polish 👍 👍 heteroflexable men like 🙃 to suck on four of the cow's udders 🥴 🥴 🥴 🥴 😻 because a bull has only one
What does B.I.B.L.E. Bull Shit In Book Lacking Evidence Does it cycle now?
Ever head the saying white people can’t jump?? Well I thinks that’s total bull shit you should have seen us on 9:11
What did the bull say when got hit in the special area? *damn my bulls* ahahaha
What do you call a wild cow in a shop with old things?
A bull in a china shop.
I bulled a handicap today
What is he gonna do stand up for his self
What kind of bull doesn’t have horns?
A bullfrog!
How do you keep a bull from charging? You take its credit card away
What did the bull say to the bullfighter? What’s the “ matador “.
What does the initials bible stand for? Bull In Book Lacking Evidence
What did the bull tell his son before it went for college?
What did the daddy bullet say to his son when he missed the bull and hit somthing brown and gross?that is bull crap
What did the father bullet say to the baby bullet when he killed a bull by hitting it in the eye:bull’s eye
What did the Bull say to his son when he was going of to school? BISON!!!!
What's a bulls favorite body part? an Eye-BULL!!
What did the cow and bull do for their first date? - Dinner and a Moovie.
How do you stop a bull from charging? Cancel its credit card.
What did the cow say to the cheese? I am your father
What do you call a cow that's laying down? Ground Beef
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.