A black Jewish boy runs home from school one day and asks his father, “Daddy, am I more Jewish or more black?” The dad replies, “Why do you want to know, son?” “Because a kid at school is selling a bike for $50 and I want to know if I should talk him down to $40 or just steal it!”
Who was the most successful Transgender and Transrace person in history? Michael Jackson. He grew up a poor, black boy, and died a rich, white woman.
LBB- why did Santa take the kitty and all of my toys Mummy
His mom- Maybe because your the second most massive shit stain besides Caillou
*Krampus comes down the chimney to eat LBB*
Krampus- should’ve been better Little Bear
LLB -help Mummy he’s the Scratchy monster
Shrek- just kidding it’s not Krampus but indeeds Me and Black Donkey instead, and were going to poop on your floor
Duggie- hopefully Marvins doesn’t see us and by the way want some purplish koolaid
what do you call it when school starts in africa?
black to school
If you thought an inner-city black boy cannot transform into a deranged pale Karen... well, just look at Michael Jackson.
Roses are red, flowers naturally cannot be black. I heard that your dad's in jail for selling crack!
Son: Dad I have black skin and you have white skin, are you sure ur my parents? Dad: oh...., well I never thought it would come to this, or to ur head that you were kidnapped..... Son: am I kidnapped? Dad; well ur adopted, and if you want to see ur biological parents they’ll be waiting for you in heaven
What do you call a black person with a pride flag? A Cosmic brownie
What do you call it when a white person beats a black person A KKKO
What do you call five Black people having sex? Threesome
Did you know there are black holes billions of years old?
What’s more amazing is the black holes Stephen Hawking studied. We're only 14 years old.
What’s the difference between white people and Black people?
One runs from the police, one runs for the police.
You race's favorite Star Wars Characters:
Arab...Admiral Ackbar(Allahu Akbar) East Asian...Qui-Gon Jinn(Ching-Chong-Wing-Wong) Jew...Rey(Ray) Black...BB-8(BBC) Italian...Jabba the Hutt(Pizza Hut) German...Admiral Piett(Hitler)
What do you call black Man having a seizure? Chocolate shake
What do you call a cab for black men A Cop car
What do spiders and Black people have in common? When they’re black, they kill you
Why are Black people getting stronger?
Because the TVs are getting bigger.
What words black people can't say? "Thanks for your help, officer"
What do you call a n apartment full of black people A CON-dominium
There is a Mexican, white guy, a Jew and a black man on top of the Empire State Building. First the Mexican and the Jew throws there selves off of the building saying ‘ This is for my people’ Than the black is next up to jump and says ‘This is for my people’ And throws the White man off of the building.