if your wife dies of child birth can you press charges on the baby
Somebody’s son said mom my dick has white stuff coming out of it, she said oh good one son so when’s the baby coming
What does a baby computer call its father- Data
How many babys does it take to paint wheels red?
It depends on your speed.
Imagine this... you're a lesbian, and you're doing it with your cannibal girlfriend. You say, "Eat me, baby!"
She pulls out a knife and fork.
Why cant u ever fool an aborted baby? Because it wasnt born yesterday
Hey I Broke up with ur girl -Me What Why? Wait what? -Me u Facked Her So its ur Baby
Why is it that when women decide to kill an unborn baby, it's a "CHOICE," but when I decide to drive my F-150 into a playground full of kids, it's called "MURDER"!
What do cannibals call pregnant women? A kinder surprise.
What's the difference between peanut butter and jam? You can't peanut butter your dick up a dead baby's ass
What did the mommy cow say to the baby cow?
It's pasture your bedtime.
What happens when an angel and nun "have some fun and forget pills"?
The nun gets pregNUNt.
i always felt like a man trapped in a womans body. But then I was born.
But In my defense , I was young then and I had a womb without a view.
Now from the top, make it drop, thats a wap thats a wap
whats the difference between dark humor and normal humor normal humor is ten babies and one trash can dark humor is one baby and ten trash can scroll down for explanation
ten babies in one trash can one baby in ten means that the baby was chopped up
What do you call a baby with red on it A baby in a microwave
You were born on the highway, Thats where most accidents happen.
How do you get a baby to stop crying?
Simple... you staple it’s mouth shut.
What's red allover and spins at 100mps
Baby in a blender
A woman is in the hospital giving birth. The doctor comes up to her afterwards.
Dr: "I'm sorry, I have good news and bad news."
Woman: "What's the bad news?"
Dr: "Your baby is Ginger!"
Woman: "Ok, so what's the good news?"
Dr: "It's dead!"