Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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What is common with dark humour and unvaccinated kids? - Neither do ever grow old.

Children who are unvaccinated are less likely to have autism. You know why? -You have to be alive to have autism.

What is red and cries and spins around and around? - A baby in a microwave.

What did the kid without hands get for Christmas? - I don't know, he still didn't open his present...

If only they had more mosquito nets in Africa we could prevent millions of mosquitos dying needlessly of AIDS...

What's the difference between yo mama and a fat ugly pig? - I never fucked that fat ugly pig...

Q. What do a prostitute and a vacuum have in common? A. If the stop sucking you can smack them till they start again.

People who wannabe rich an famous rappers should always look at rapeboat, and learn wat not to do.

Why did the DJ go to therapy?

Because he had too many issues with his TURNTABLE