Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

what did dom toerreto say about the tree paul walker hit famly strong but not that strong

When bob the builder looks at ur hairline he says we can't fix that

Yo mama was so fat that when she stepped on the scale the scale said: You gained another pound, nice going fatso, a few more ounces and you can qualify for your own zip code.

Yo mama was so fat that when she stepped on the scale the scale said: OOOWWWWW!!!! Get of me you overweight bucket of lard.

An apple and an emo girl fall from the same height in a tree which one hits the ground first Apple cuz The Noose stops her

why were the twin towers mad? cuz they ordered a pepperoni pizza put it came plane

What do orphis and broke up couples have any common

They cant see each other anymore