Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Today, I operated on a little girl, she needed O- negative blood. We didn’t have any, but her twin sister has O- negative blood. I explained to her that it was a matter of life and death. She sat quietly for a moment, and then said goodbye to her parents. I didn’t think anything of it until after we took her blood and she asked, “so when will I die”? she thought she was going to give her life for her sister. Thankfully they both died.

My wife hates that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right.

Israel is so fat when he goes to KFC and they ask what size bucket he says "the one on the roof"😂

Why did the rapper become a beekeeper?

Because he wanted to make some HONEY FLOWS

Why did the rapper bring a map to the studio?

To find his way through the BEATS

Why did the rapper go to the bank? (Part 1) To make some DEPOSITS of RHYMES

Why did the rapper wear sunglasses to the interview?

Because his FUTURE was too BRIGHT

What do you call a rapper's favorite place to eat?

The MIC Donald’s drive-thru

We used to have Reagan, Jonny Cash, and Bob Hope. Now we have Biden, no cash, and no hope.