Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

8 people online

hey you there, were you raised on a chicken farm? cause you really know how to raise a cock!

I banged a German chick one time. I tried anal and asked her to rate the experience. She kept yelling "9! 9! 9!"

Yo mama so ugly when she tried to enter a ugly contest they said they didn't allow professionals.

Why are orphans so good at tennis. They never get love. Btw laugh and Tennis means zero

When you tell your Roblox girlfriend you’re breaking up with her and then 10 seconds later you hear your uncle crying in the other room.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Because she wanted to have an affair with the rooster

What do K-mart and Michael Jackson have in common?

They both have boys pants half off.

Me: I found a group of furries in the woods

voice in back: Well it looks like we're going huntin'

1,2 buckle my shoe 3,4 buckel some more 5,6 nike kicks.

1,2 buckle my shoe 3,4 open the noor 5,6 nike kicks.

Man 1:Dude viagra is for pussys real men don’t need viagra Man 2: I thought viagra was for dicks