Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

15 people online

Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers?

He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

what do dropouts and Boeing 767 have in common?

they crash and burn

(one of my friends gave me this) Hey, my grandfather was part of WWII. Yeah. He killed Hitler!

Why does the Tower of Pisa lean?

Because it has better reflexes than the Twin Towers.

How does an Alabama mother know when her daughter is on her period? She can taste the blood on her son’s penis.

i saw a girl crying i asked her were are your parents she cried as I got kicked out of the orphanage

I went to find someone to fuck in the streets for money, and I found a prostitute but then she raped me. After she said it was amazing and instead let me push

Did you know Paul walker had dandruff? Neither did I til I seen his head and shoulders on the dashboard.