I swear I always finish on page 3 when I'm looking at family pictures.
Where did sally go during the bombing? Everywhere
What do you call a autism kid with a gun?
Special forces
knew a girl that died from having phone sex.... He died of hearing aids
What is the difference between an orphan and an apple?
Well, at least one gets picked.
Mexican jokes and black jokes are pretty much the same. Once you heard Juan you've heard Jamal.
I got suspended for asking an emo kid if he wants to hang out with me
Teenager: OMG, I’m prego, my moms gonna kill me Baby: Lmao, same
what do white people and fences have in common? they both get jumped by mexicans
My best friend looked at my arms and said “stop sh it’s bad” then turns right around and says “you look like a tiger”
so from here on out i am now Finn the self harming tiger
What did one orphan say to the other?
Abortion is becoming more and more expensive these days. So visit Ammu-nation and pick up an Armsan RS-X1 tactical shotgun, it comes with a free box of ammo and a three year warranty. Buy now pay later.