Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

i saw a girl crying i asked her were are your parents she cried as I got kicked out of the orphanage

I went to find someone to fuck in the streets for money, and I found a prostitute but then she raped me. After she said it was amazing and instead let me push

Did you know Paul walker had dandruff? Neither did I til I seen his head and shoulders on the dashboard.

I get so many thing stuck in my head, though, unfortunately none of them were a bullet.

My girlfriend left me today for spending my own money. What a bitch I spend a fair amount of money on her for her clothes and airforces but as soon as I spend a $100 on hookers she leaves me

I was at the park the other day and sat down on the bench next to a mum and her daughter and she asked which one was my kid and I said I haven't decided yet

Why is 6 scared? Because 7 8 9. Why is 10 scared? Because it was in the middle of 9 11

I wanted to do something nice for my uncle, so i cleaned out the nice vase that was given at grandma's funeral. It had so much sand im glad to help

Why does Batman cover half of his face? To let the police know that he's white.

what is one thing blind people and orphans have in common

they both cant see their parents

A horse walks into a bar. Several of the patrons quickly get up and leave, realizing the potential danger in the situation.

Papyrus: Sans! I heard that a HUMAN has fallen! Sans: And you gotta bone to pick with em?

Two people stood in one room, the first guy stared at the second.

First guy: “Sorry I hadda punch you. It was a game, bro.”

Second guy: “Between me and you talking, there’s almost no PUNCH line. Hah!”

what do youuuuuuuuuuu OH F*** Y MOM IS GANNA KILL ME MY SHIT IS STUCK ON THE TOILET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF***************************************************************