Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

8 people online

A thief walks up to a man in a suit and pulls out a gun. The Thief says: "Give me your money." The man in the suit turns around surprised. He raises his hands and says: "But, wait! You can't do that, I am a Congressman!" The thief replies: "Oh, sorry. Give me MY money."


if a toy from toy story died, the kid wouldn't know and the other toys would just have to watch as their kid played with the corpse


What is the difference between a preschool and my basement?

Little kids leave preschool.


What's the difference between a feminist and a suicide vest?

At least one does something when it is triggered.

I got a handjob from a blind woman the other day. She said, "It's the biggest thing I ever had in my hand." I said, "No love, you're just pulling my leg."


My girlfriend broke up with me. She said I was a pedophile. I told her, “PEDOPHILE? Wow, that sure is a big word for an eight-year-old!”


I cannot moderate myself at all. It's either I don't take my meds, or I take the entire bottle. Decisions decisions...