Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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What’s the difference between life and a rape joke? Life fucks you until you stop breathing, a rape joke fucks you until it’s not funny anymore.

A guy went to a bar and said to a friend that he found a girl on the railroads and said they had the best sex ever, and his friend asked did you get any head and the guy said no I couldn't find it.

What’s the difference between Texas and Flint, Michigan? Nothing no one cares how much Lead is in the kids

The gayest person on Earth is Pac-Man. You can pay him 50 cents to eat 200 balls.

Why can’t orphans go on school trips? They need a parent signature.

People claim that Trump has Russian ties. That’s not true, just some crazy conspiracy theorists. All of Trump's ties are made in China.

How do the cop respond to being called racist He said how can I be racist my wife’s eyes black

Whenever I buy condoms, I go to the same store and the cashier always asked me. Do you want back for that? They’re not bad looking I got game

What does Can do after eating it’s vegetables Go on eBay to see how much He can sell the Wheelchair for

I don’t know why I go to the gym being healthy is dying fast as possible, and I really want to speed that shit up

My grandma always looks at me when we go to a wedding and says you’re next When we attend aFuneral, I say you’re next

How are Black people like communism Because they’ll never work But some of them are willing to give it a shot

What’s the difference between how you watch porn and I watch porn The windows we Watch through