Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Why did the rapper become a banker?

Because he wanted to make some BIG BANK DEPOSITS

Kelly Clarkson and Ian Watkins of the Lostprophets both walk into a bar. The bartender asked, "Hitting on some 2-year-olds today?" It may have been an innocuous question, if it weren't for the fact that the bartender is Chris Hansen.

Jack and Jill went up a hill so Jack could eat her candy. But Jack got a shock and a mouth full of cock because Jill’s real name is Randy

Donald Trump is proudly anti-woke. He has been falling asleep in his court cases every morning!

Your move, Ron DeSantis.

I’m am very sad that you guys are making fun of adopted kids because I am adopted:(:(😢🥺😢😭😭

hi ii'm adopt and you guys hurt my feelings it is not god :(😔😞😔🥺 ii'm just a kid ii'm 7.

You know, you should adopt a pet. So then you can feel the pain that your parents felt when they adopted you... wait... also the regret after.

I asked my mom what is dark humor. She said see them boy over there In the wheelchair, ask him to walk I said, but I’m blind She responded exactly