Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

11 people online

“what happened to ur arm?” “oh uh.. i became a gacha emo”

What are is the best feeling for an Orphan when he playes Grand Theft Auto?

When he is wanted

How does a disabled person play chasy I think you forgot they don't have legs

I was walking this hot girl home then she noticed me then the walk turned into a run

Are your parents bakers? Because you're a cutie pie. Are you a loan? Because you've got my interest. Is your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout! If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber. Are you an artist? Because you’re really good at drawing me in. I believe in following my dreams. Can I have your Instagram? If you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple. If you were a flower, you'd be a daaaaaamn-delion.

Wanna touch my shirt? It's made of boyfriend/girlfriend/partner material

I saw an orphan on the street i said where’s your parents he cried and said my mum and dad died in a car crash 😆😆😂😂🤣

"Why didn't the boy pick up his ice cream" -Margret "Why"-Depress boy "Because he got ran over"-Margret "I wish that was me"-Depress boy