Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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Why are beas hair so sticky l? ________________________ Because They use honeycombs

Why are Beas hair sticky? _____________________ Because they use honeycombs đź‘ľ

Why was Stephen hawking always like this đź« 

Because he didn’t have emojis on his computer

Who are the fastest readers 911, they went through 110 story’s in 8 seconds

What is the difference between underaged privileged children with bone cancer and you I like you

Two lepers meet on the street First says “how you doing?” Second says “mustn’t crumble”

badminton: your breath is so BAD that you have to take a MINT before you go ON fortnite

by john rizk

your a copycat from ballarat you smell like a rat, you wear a hat and you are shaped like a baseball bat.

song by john rizk

Can a orphan child arrested for vandalism or will the officers ask for there parents to talk to

This is the Real Reason why the Chicken Crossed the Road.

Q: Why did the Chicken cross the Road

A: To Vist his Grandmother at KFC