So recently I hit an orphan with a 2x4, and he started crying. What's he gonna do? Tell his family? XD
What do you call a terroist in a wheel chair An RC-XD
What do you call a kid in a wheelchair with a gun? RG-XD
Why are tomatoes red? Because they contain the carotenoid lycopene!
Why did the man get run over? Ur mom XD
Why don't bald eagles brush their teeth? Because they don't have teeth! xD
technoblade: i'm the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans. quackity: what is the first thing to ever happen to the orphans??? technoblade: quackity..... their orphans. (disclaimer: not funny xD)
Hailey: "Hey Brayden!"
Brayden: "Hey!"
*Music roles around*
*I tell Brayden Hailey likes him*
Brayden: "O_O"
Hailey: *Hides*
So sad </3 xD
I would take out the trash but my mom said u werent ready!!! XD
Kid: Knock knock! Orphan: Who's there? Kid: Not your parents XD
Bully: *Bullies kid* Orphan: Stop!! *Cries* Bully: What are you gonna do? Tell your parents?? XD Orphan: :/
What did the solder say when he saw a terrorist on a wheelchair? An RC-XD
This boys eyerow was so bushy, everyone thought that it was a squirl tale! XD
What's the difference between apples and orphans? The apples get picked, XD!
You can’t land on Uranus XD
They found water on Mars. Mars:1 Africa:0
What do you get when you put a suicide bomber in a wheel chair? An RC-XD.
What is the difference between an apple and an orphan? Orphans don't get picked.
Hi, I have a question for you.
Did you know that reading this is wasting your time?
Yeah, sorry xD
When you get a pop-up book of the Qur'an and it just explodes as soon as you turn the page XD
What do you call a terrorist in a wheelchair?
RC-XD incoming.
What do kids call a balanced meal? A hamburger in each hand XD XD XD XD