What does an Asian say when his car tires burst on the highway?
"Some Ting Wheely Wong!"
You race's favorite Star Wars Characters:
Arab...Admiral Ackbar(Allahu Akbar) East Asian...Qui-Gon Jinn(Ching-Chong-Wing-Wong) Jew...Rey(Ray) Black...BB-8(BBC) Italian...Jabba the Hutt(Pizza Hut) German...Admiral Piett(Hitler)
what did the japanese man say to his friend after he killed somebody? that is very wong.
What do you call a premature chinese baby birth? Wong Tai-Ming
What did the white baby say to his Chinese parents
Two wongs don’t make a white
What did the Asian parents say when they had a disabled kid?
Sum ting wong.
What did the Chinese girl say when she had a baby?
"Sum ting wong."