What's the similarities between Spiderman and a homeless person?
They both have no way home!
How are orphans like spider man
No way home
The very young and pretty nun was walking home from the soup kitchen when a homeless man dragged her into the woods and had his way with her. When he was done, he asked her what she would tell the Mother Superior when she got back to the convent. She calmly said that she would tell her the truth. She said: "I will tell her that I was on my way home when the most disgusting, repulsive and abhorrent man dragged me into the woods and had his way with me..... twice; that is if you are not too tired.
Ok ok so. One I ever I was on the way home and this kid said man I could kick your but five seconds later I kick his but
my dick is like the way home for an orphan,its length is never-ending