What's the difference between pizza deliveries and the Twin Towers?
Pizza deliveries get their orders right.
I saw twins, I’m just waiting for those planes
Q: Did you hear about the Twin Towers? A: No, what happened? Q: Apparently, the design was fundamentally floored!
Bro the twin tower got a hot and ready from jets
Why is the leaning tower of pisa leaning?
It has better reactions then the twin towers.
Why are the Twin tower actually twins?
Their birth and death date are the same.
The twin towers are like jenga, you yell towers falling.
Are you the twin towers because I’d smash
Twin towers are mad. Instead of hotdogs they got "plain"
Why is the leaning tower of Pisa leaning???
Because unlike the twin Towers it can dodge
teacher: Jeff why did you throw a paper plane a the twins? Jeff: you wouldn't get it miss
Why was the twin towers sad?
Because they ordered a pepperoni pizza but got plane instead.
Why did the twin towers go to uber eats? Because they wanted something plain.
Why were the twin towers so mad they ordered pepperoni but they got plain
A women was in twin towers she orders a pepperoni pizza but got a plane pizza
What is the difference between me and the twin towers. My mom was only airplane feeding me a spoon.
What is the difference between The Leaning Tower of Pisa an the Twin Towers? The Tower of Pisa is more flexible