I was sitting next to this really hot Thai girl on the bus and all I could think to myself was, "Don't get an erection, don't get an erection"... But she did.
A Thai woman ran into a wall. What does she break? Her Boner
y r ofans bad at bassball cos thay can't hit home runs
Why do orphan's like to go to church? It is the only place where thay can call a father.
I came on for orphan joke
then I relized thay are a joke
Why can't you orfapan play base ball? Thay don't know we're home is
I Don't like calculator jokes cause thay are to overused
I was in a maze and I got the end and thay congratulated me I said that was a-maze-ing
What is the reason for why women never look to the right?
because thay don't have any rights
I can't stand up when I laugh hard - neither can thay
if you call the number 800-273-8500 in afganistan thay say can you fly a plane
What's the hardest part about sex with a thai girl?
Her, probably
pov when the orphan kid goes to cherch and thay hav to swer on something the kid i swere on my...frends oh wait i dont have any
Why cant orphan play soccer? bc thay cant pratis white there dad .
Wy du ded baybies cri? Just kidng thay ar ded
why do orphans like water
cuz thay drink it ;)
Why do orphans go to church so thay can call someone farther
Why do women rub their rub their eyebrows thay don't got balls to scratch
why cant an orphan be gay thay have no one to call daddy
Why cant orphans play baseball because thay cant fined home