Bees don't sting Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris stings bees.
Why did the bee buzz off?
Because he had to bee somewhere.
[God creating a jellyfish]
God: How about an evil bag?
What’s a orphans favorite cereal.
Because it’s the only magical sting in his life
Why do bees sting? Because they're pricks.
Why was the bee’s hair sticky?
He used honeycomb.
What did one bee say to the other bee?
"I love you, honey!"
Float like a cracker, sting like a beaner!
I saw a pretty girl walking outside. I asked for her number. We met up and began to have sex. She told me to turn over which was weird. I felt a stinging pain in my ass all of a sudden
Bee Jokes: "Hello"
"Oh hello buzzy!"
"Why are ya calling me Buzzy this whole time?"
"Because you BEE BUZZing! (Laughs)"
"It's not funny! Jokes are the worst, although I hate those Bee Jokes!"
"Chillax bro. Don't BEE a hater of jokes dude! (Laughs)"
"Aagh! You always had a choice, but I will sting ya face!"
"No! You BEE like pollen to make HONEY-moon. (Laughs)
"Stoooop!! I'm outta here, your worst fan."
"Yes, your worst fan!"
"No! Fan!"
"What?! Aaaaaauuuuggghhhh!!!"
"Ohhh! Buzzy's looking BEE-wind! (Laughs)"
I searched up hornets and then said that it will leave a sting.
Float like a butternut, sting like a bee.
INNOCENT! THERE IS NO WAY TO PROVE THAT THE GIRL WAS 13. It doesn't matter what texts he sent. There is no way to prove that the girl was 13, or the fact that it was a girl. Failed sting operation.