Someone booted Stephen Hawking offline, maybe next time he will stand for the pledge/anthem
The reason Stephen Hawkings died is probably because he feel off his wheelchair, and he must've pressed shut down by accident.
How did Stephen Hawking really die...his wife grounded him from using electronics and unplugged everything
Stupid joke about Stephen Hawking that wasn't funny the first fucking time
Why did Stephen Hawking die, his ethernet cable fell out
God, I miss Stephen Hawking. He was brainier than Kurt Cobain's ceiling.
How did Stephen Hawking become a billionaire? He won the F1 Wheelchair race
how is stephen hawkins dead? his windows shit down
Stephen hawking went on a date last night She left after 15 minutes complaining she didn't like his tone
How did Stephen Hawking die?
He rolled too far away from the outlet on the wall.
What were Stephen's last words? “Battery low.”
Why was Stephen Hawking disappointed when he got his Christmas present? It was singing lessons.
What was Stephen Hawking's favorite childhood song? "The wheels on the chair go round and round....."
Why can't Stephen hawking go to heaven cause he walk up the stairs
What does Stephen Hawking press after he's had a hard day?
Stephen hawking drove too far from the wall and unplugged
He also forgot to pay the power bill
If you replaced the boss in Portal with a boy you would hear Stephen Hawking
what where Stephen hawkings last words
When Stephen Hawkings falls I'll who does he call the ambulance or the technision
Stephen Hawking's last words were, "Ethernet cable not detected, shutting down."
Why did greg go mad.... because stephen stalked him