There's a new cooking programme on BBC1. The contestants are victims of domestic violence. It's called "Can't Cook... Right Hook."
No one Beyoncé said to the left to the left she really meant women have no rights
My brothers kept annoying me.
I told them I would disembowel them if they kept it up.
It was an empty threat—right after I was done.
Iran ? more like tin can cause we’re going too kick their teeth in am I right ??
A man once ate the left side of a person. One guy watching asked if the guy he was eating was okay. The man eating him said, "No... it's okay, he's all right now."
10 Fun Facts.
1. You can't wash your eyes with soap. 2. You can't count your hair. 3. You can't breathe through your nose with your tongue out. 4. You just tried number 3. 5. When you did number 3, you realized it's possible, only you look like a dog. 6. You're smiling right now because you were fooled. 7. You skipped number 5. 8. You just checked to see if there is a number 5. 9. Share this with your friends to have some fun too :-)
What did the left butt cheek say to the right?
Trump 2020
What did the right eye say to the left eye?
"Between you and me, something smells!"
I'm hard right now
Cause your a DICKstraction
;) - SEO-YUN
Why are Communists consider d the left? Because they can’t do anythimg right.
Tell a dark joke to an orphan, then hit them. They'll get the punchline right away.
9/11 happened...right? The cops respond to 9-1-1... coincidence, I think not.
my friend; yo stupid me; is that right and what exactly have you done in your lifetime that makes you einstien My friend; rolls eyes and says whatever me; keep on rolling them you might find your brain in there
My friend: "Yo, stupid."
Me: "Is that right? And what exactly have you done in your lifetime that makes you Einstein?"
My friend: *rolls eyes* and says, "Whatever."
Me: "Keep on rolling them; you might find your brain in there."
So I was watching tv right? then i got banged in the eye with either a remore or metal tongs "wtf"
Knock,Knock. who’s there?Orange who? Orange glad I didn’t say banana hahah your right i hate that guy
When her head game is so strong, she sucks the chromosome right out of you.
What did the author say when he got a correct answer? "I got it right!"
A hot woman called "Jessie" was showering when the phone rang.
Jessie was upset because the phone wouldn't stop ringing, and she goes out naked from the bathroom to answer the phone in the hall.
Jessie on the phone: 《Hello? 》
The one on the phone: 《Oh hi, I'm Jeff, I just wanted to tell you don't go out from your bathroom naked next time because my brother is behind you right now trying to rape you.》
Jessie: 《Stop it my sister! This is the 10th time you do this cringe joke! It gets boring!》
But sadly it wasn't a joke, and she cried a lot that night and learned how not to go out naked from the bathroom again.
The twin towers are like water bottles.
It's all right if you knock them down as long as you pick up the mess.