What do you get when someone named Victoria falls? A Victoria falls!
Jeffy: I need a new butt, my old one has a crack in it.
hey whats the puniest pun you can come up with?
Man Cancer is so easy to beat, I'm already on stage 4
What happens when a pun isn’t funny? It gets PUNished
what time should you got to bed when its bedtime
*insert pun here*
what do you say win your brother has to many jeans gene lousise
a guy walks up to me in the street and asks if you have to include the name of an animal in every sentence. I said only if its relephant. he says what about vegetables. I said not nesecelery.
I tried to find my watch I lost last week but I didn't have the time
What did the egg say to the boiling water?
It might take a while for me to get hard because I just got laid last night.
I aced my poker test...
my teacher asked me to reflect on my work, so I got a mirror...
A caffeinated vampire goes to sleep in a coffee-n...
do you get my puns... no, because you can't seem to get a grasp on how bad they are...
Are you Fin-ished with your work?
What separates snowmen from snow-women? Snow Balls
What did the author say when he got a correct answer? "I got it write"!
what did the flag say to the pole
nothing he just waved
if your Canadian in the kitchen then what are you in the bathroom: European
Where do Eagles send their childrens to study? The Alpha birds
Where do Santa send his childrens to study? The Elf-phabets
tell me a joke . ok your face