Knock knock. who's there control freak Con..... Ok now you say control freak who
Why was the baseball player stuck in the stadium???
'Cuz' he made his home run
What do cats eat for breakfast?
"Mice Krispies!"
Why did the credit card go to jail??????
'Cuz' it was guilty as charged
if my cat was a cactus doesn't that make him a catus?
What would the Mandolorian be called if it was made in an aquatic centre?
I heard Kobe was writing a book about helicopters but it just wouldn't land with people...
I know, I'm going to hell...
adding a 'gl' in front of camping doesn't make it any better. if you add a 'gl' infront of adolf hitler it doesn't make him a great guy
That is a "Penny-Farthing" bicycle, Dimes if you feed it beans.
Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because he wasn't peeling very well!
Get confused with Confucius!
Where did Johnny go after he wandered into a minefield?
My parents said to me, "When ever you say sorry to someone and they say, 'It's okay' It's really not. So I said OKAY.
I've just started a new business making people breathe in large amounts of helium. They all speak very highly of it.
I wonder if the sun is going to rise every morning. Then it dawns on me.
Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?
Because she was stuffed.
Why does the large dildo not have any friends?
He's a pain in the ass.
I'm Clueless. By M.T Head
The History of the Star Spangled Banner. By Jose Cannusee