If there was a girl and a boy in the boy fell what did the boy do to the girl

He fell for her

Bee Jokes: "Hello"

"Oh hello buzzy!"

"Why are ya calling me Buzzy this whole time?"

"Because you BEE BUZZing! (Laughs)"

"It's not funny! Jokes are the worst, although I hate those Bee Jokes!"

"Chillax bro. Don't BEE a hater of jokes dude! (Laughs)"

"Aagh! You always had a choice, but I will sting ya face!"

"No! You BEE like pollen to make HONEY-moon. (Laughs)

"Stoooop!! I'm outta here, your worst fan."


"Yes, your worst fan!"

"No! Fan!"

"What?! Aaaaaauuuuggghhhh!!!"

"Ohhh! Buzzy's looking BEE-wind! (Laughs)"

few jokes (sorry if they have already been used.) 1 I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting bigger. Then it hit me. 2 Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? Because he always has a great fall. 3 Have you heard the one about the skunk? Never mind, it really stinks. 4 It's always windy in a sports arena. All those fans. 5 What is the best day to go to the beach? Sunday, of course! 6 Comic Sans walks into a bar. The bartender says, "We don't serve your type here." 7 What's the easiest way to get straight As? Use a ruler. 8 Why were they called the Dark Ages? Because there were lots of knights

I broke my arm yesterday, my bro said it is Arm-mageddon. And I still don’t know why.