Pleasing Jokes

dad: what did your older brother say before he lost his virginity son: dad please don't dad:exactly

ur dad is gay!!!!

omg!! I didn't mean that please don't tell ur mom

I'M SO SO SO SRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hello, I am Alan Shawn Feinstein. I would like to know who the owner of this website "" is. I am interested in buying this website. Please respond to me in the comments or email me. Thank you, and keep doing good things.

me, calls the police* me: hey imma commit suicide! cop on the phone: please wait till we get there me: why, so you can then stop me? cop on the phone: no, we just want a murder, not a suicidal report on your paper...and we are all bord! me: ok, my house number is ********************* ok! cop on the phone: awesome! just a sec. whispers*** guys I finally found someone who wants to get killed!

A man walks over to a little boy and asks "Wanna see my tattoo of a bunny?" the little boy replies with "Yes please i love bunnies" The man proceeds to pull his pants down and said can you see it yet?" The little boy curious says "no where is it?" The man says "dig a little deeper he runs into the whole when he gets scared!"

I’m not funny! Please do not laugh at my jokes! But do check them out, they’re very unpredictable. Read them, do not laugh, they’re jokes, do not laugh at them!

Someone: hah- Me: NO DON’T YOU DARE!😠😠

Dumb kid: What does homework mean?

Teacher: J0K35? (J0K35 is me btw) can you explain to DK what homework means please?


Half Of My Existence Wasted On Random Knowledge

A Roman guy walks into a bar, holds up two fingers &;says, "Can I have 5 beers please?"

Hi I'm Claire, I am new to this website. I have been seeing these "Legends" and I've been tracking one specifically, watersharky. I have questions about him. Is he nice?, Protective?, Single? If anyone has anymore information about him please tell me.

Knock Knock who’s there? Madam’ Madam’ who Madam’ foot got caught in the door can you please open it!