Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they can’t find home base.
why do orphans hate smart kids?because the smart kids get there parents attention
What do you call sweaty tities Humitits
What do you call a whale on a beach Banked
The first orphan joke be like: What does the orphan not have? A Family
If you don't like orphan jokes, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ON HERE??!!! WE DON'T ACCEPT YOU HERE!
If you saw an orphan, could you say where your parents at and if they cry, just say 'hey here are your parents' then grab nothing. perfect example.
So I told an orphan to slap themselves untill they are wanted, I came back the next day to see them slapping themselves then I stopped them then told them to punch themselves. The next day a saw a dead orphan.
Why did the orphan get sent to the Principals office. BECAUSE HE PUNCHED DUMBOS LIKE YOU PEOPLE
Why are orphan not on this? They don’t want to listen to the DUMBOWS ON HERE!
Why do orphans never use other people Wi-Fi ? So they can be connected
why are orphans sad when playing roblox?
there isnt any parents on roblox
What does a stray cat/dog have in commo..? Both of them don't have a home 😂😂😂
*stranger: tries to kidnap a kid* *kid: runs home* A few minutes later the kid was in the back of the van... If you know you know
whats a baby orphans favourite joke
(when am i gonna see my parents)
Why is an orphan and a dog friends?
Why don't orphans liek Russia and Germany.Because it's the Mother and Father Land
The p in Batman stands for parents
Why did the orphan cross the road.Because his parents couldn’t help him out
Why is it ok to make fun of orphans Because they cant tell their parents
Why did you parents abandon you? Because the first thing you dad said to be was; GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WIFE.