If my cat were a cactus, doesn't that make him the catus?
if my cat was a cactus doesn't that make him a catus?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
The chicken next to him farted.
A man in a wheelchair and his friend were walking down the street.
Man in Wheelchair: *falls out of wheelchair*
Friend: Are you okay?
Man in Wheelchair: I can't feel my legs!
Why does NASA only serve Coke? Because they can't get Seven-Up!
You smell like tap water and cornflakes.
What would the Mandalorian be called if it was made in an aquatic center?
Why are gay people bad at hide and seek?
Because they're always coming out of the closet.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Atch who?
Sorry you are sneezing. Have you got a cold?
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Discord who?
I need discord to plug in the phone.
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Maserati who?
Why don't you clean up this Maserati?
If it is called a forehead, what happened to the five, six, and seven-head?
Why do orphans love boomerangs? Because they actually come back.
What would you call a mom cat and a kitten walking together?
What do you call a school bus driver that can not walk.? A silly 😝 school bus driver
What is a dog 🐕 that is awesome? A smart dog 🐶
What is a dog 🐶? A pet
There's a new cooking programme on BBC1. The contestants are victims of domestic violence. It's called "Can't Cook... Right Hook."
Call me Kobe Bryant cause imma helicopter out of this one
I heard Kobe was writing a book about helicopters but it just wouldn't land with people...