Orphan School Trip

Why can't orphans go on school trips?

"Parents signature _________"




This joke plays on the sad fact that orphans do not have parents to sign the permission slip needed for a school trip. It uses a dark undertone by referencing this situation.

Comments (35)

Lol 😭🥴

This is so funny lol

Poo class dojo


Fire Bun kids am I right

this is pretty funny but wtf

Uh this is funny but also not very nice i don’t know if to laugh or be defensive for orphans😂🤔

No this is funny 🤠🤧

😂😂😂😂my school wanted my dads Signature and it was like ____________ because he died the day when I was born🥲

it says parents/careirs the orphange can sign it

they need to give him a GUARDIAN signature

I didn't know you have the guts to tell us that you don't have parents.

Thats not even a good joke.

I- why is this funny but not funny at the same time✨


BAHHAHAHA that is so dark yet funny