If you are what you eat Why is Jeffrey Dahmer white
What does Jeffrey Dahmer and Travis Scott have in common? Eight dead people
Do you know how hard it is to maintain a good body these days? I think Jeffrey Dahmer had the right idea just put in the freezer
What did Jeffrey Dahmer do after dumping his first boyfriend?
Did you know that Jeffrey Dahmer was the first person to try Five Guys
jeffrey dahmer likes his men how he likes his coffee black and ground up
What do you find in Jeffrey Dahmer's shower?
Heads and shoulders.
Jeffrey Dahmer , was craving Five guys before it became a restaurant !
Jeffrey Dahmer and his mother are having dinner. His mother says, “I don’t like your friends”. Then Jeff says, “You can eat the potatoes.”
Your hairline is so messed up it made Jeffrey Dahmer cry
What’s the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and a priest
That both like lil boys
What is jefree dhamers favorite restaurant?
Five guys
a sandwich is a sandwich,but a manwich in a meal - jeffery dahmer
what did jeffrey dahmer say to the men he took home that said they were hungry , i've got ben and jerry in the freezer
(Okay, actually improvised this time.)
What's the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and an Emo?
They're both gay and use knives.
Today I ate out my girlfriend.......Jefrrey Dahmer style
Jeffrey Dahmer was eating at 5 Guys before it was a restaurant.