Why did Hellen Keller's dog run away?
I'm sure you would run away if your name was kjdhfkuaysbgfbkuejgf.
When Helen Keller tries singing the national anthem at the Super Bowl,
Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaa Aaaaaaaaaa.
I wrote a book called Endless Love
It’s about a tennis match between Stevie Wonder and Hellen Keller
How does Hellen Keller meet men?
She goes on blind dates.
Q: Why does Hellen Keller masturbate with only one hand? A: She moans with the other.
Put Helen Keller in George Floyd's position. How would she cry out for help? Would she just moan, or would she try to do sign language?
Why did Hellen Keller's dogs run away?
Because wouldn't you runway too if your name was djhdhekdndyekedhekekfjkfurir?
How do you beat Hellen Keller in musical chairs
You move the chairs
How do you kill Hellen Keller?
Take her on a walk off a cliff.
Hellen Keller went to go grab her bouncy balls.
Man: Ouch!
Why are Helen Keller jokes so funny?
Because she’s blind and deaf.
(1968) - Hellen Keller died, didn’t you hear?
Well neither did she.
you didn't know that hellen keller is dead? its fine neither does she
Why did Helen Keller sign the n-word?
She thought she was black.
Hellen Keller went to town riding a pony, stuck a feather in her hat, and called it an "Unnghhtpthhh!"
Why cant Hellen Keller drive?
Because she is a girl