What do you call a Flying Pilot? Because he can go pee on the plane!
What do you call a Flying Pilot?
He pee on the plane.
My friend said she wanted to fly, so I pushed her off a building.
Stop with the 9/11 jokes.
They're not gonna fly.
When you got on an airplane, the flight attendant asked which hairline you were flying with.
What’s the difference between a fly and Lady Diana?
The sound when they hit the windshield.
Why did the rapper bring a parachute to the show?
Because he wanted to drop some FLY VERSES!
I'd make a 9/11 joke, but it wouldn't fly anymore. And if I tried it would probably crash and burn. It just wouldn't help my comedy career take off.
What do you call a rapper who's also a PILOT?
Fly Guy
What is the difference between an Isis training, camp and a school?
Not sure I just fly the drone
Dear Victims... äh Passengers, we are flying now from Ryadh to New York. Amazing Building... äh Amazing City. There's online, but 2000 there were two Towers... äh Restaurants. We hijack the plane... äh Hi Jack. Jack is my co-pilot, and I said hello. Don‘t scream... History Repea... äh... History never comes back, we are now flying back to the Airport. 💀
Whats the difference between a school in Pakistan and an Al Qaeda base?
Not too sure. I just fly the drone.
Why aren’t Make-A-Wish kids allowed to fly?
Because they rarely make it out of the terminal.
Why is Peter Pan always flying? He Neverlands.
Where do sheep go to get their hair cut? The baa-baa shop.
Why did Adele cross the road? To sing, “Hello from the other side!
How do trees access the internet? They log in.
Did you get them? Me neither. I mean, it is worst jokes ever. I'm kidding, I actually do understand them.
Osama bin laden hit the towers because he couldnt fly straight
lmao why do people think they can fly?
A young boy is stood on the top of a cliff crying. A priest approaches and says, "Why are you crying my son?" "My parents just crashed the car off the cliff and died." "It's just not your day today is it?" Said the priest, unbuttoning his flies.
What bee can't fly?
Most women are like the Twin Towers.
It's all fun and good when guys fly through them, but once the little people come jumping off them, it becomes sad and awful.
If 9/11 happened again, I want to share a selfie of me flying that plane.