When fat people sit down at a restaurant, and you listen closely, you can hear the chair screaming.
When fat people sit down at a restaurant, you can hear the chair screaming.
I think fat people took the Hunger Games a little too seriously.
Fat people are the reason we have double doors.
Na, don't be mean to fat people. Oh wait, never mind, they can handle the weight.
I heard Steven Spielberg is coming out with a new movie about fat people called E.C.
(Extra Cholesterol)
Why are obese jokes so offensive? Because fat people have enough on their plate
What do you call a serial killer that only kills fat people?
A mass murderer.
Why are there no fat people in Japan? Last time they had a Fat Man 80,000 people died.
What kind of jokes doesn’t work out? Fat people jokes.
Yo mamas so fat people think she only has 1 side
I would make a joke about fat people, but they already have enough on their plate.
Relationships are like fat people.
Most of them don’t work out.
why do fat people like food
the more the marier
What is the only place fat people live?
I know 5 fat people, and your mama is 4 of them.
"Chris, I just saw five fat people, and you are one of them."
why is the world split in half because fat people are weighing the earth dow
Why are fat people fat? Because they eat like Indians eating curry, except fat people eat many more portions.
Life is like a box of chocolates. It doesn’t last as long for fat people.