Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

What did the rapper say when he stubbed his toe?

"Ouch! That's NOT a sick beat”

Why did the rapper get kicked out of the grocery store?

He kept dropping the BEETS

Why did the rapper always carry a map?

Because he was afraid of getting LOST in the BARS

How do rappers stay cool in the studio?

They turn on the mic and DROP THE HEAT

How do you find a rapper in a snowstorm?

Look for the one with the ICE-COLD RHYMES

Daveon says "Oh wow, she's so beautiful." The doctor then says. "Yes, but sadly, your wife didn't make it..." Daveon then states "Give me the one my wife made then!"

Q. What do you say when your friend has an abortion? A. May your baby rest in pieces.

I'm what they call a ✨️askhole✨️

A person who will consistently ask for your advice and wisdom, but then proceed to do the exact opposite of what you say