Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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what did the woman with no hands get for christmas? no idea. she hasn’t opened her present yet.

A man is talking to his doctor after undergoing a whole range of tests to try and find out what’s wrong with him.

The doctor sits him down and says, “I’m so sorry to have to tell you this. But the results are back, and I’m afraid it’s fatal.”“Oh no!” exclaims the man, “How long do I have?”

“Ten,” says the doctor.

“What, years? Months?!”


what's the difference between ironman and ironwoman? one is a superhero and the other is a simple command.

A man walks into a library and asks to borrow a book on how to commit suicide. The librarian says, “No, you won’t bring it back.”

They say there's a person capable of murder in every friendship group. I suspected it was Dave, so I killed him before he could cause any harm.


if you donate one kidney, everybody loves you, and you’re a total hero. but donate five, and suddenly everyone is yelling. geez!

bestfriend @3am: i love you me : love u too *wait whatttttttttttttttttttt*

idk if this is funny

Why do orphans become criminals? Because they want to know what it’s like to be wanted