Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

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I spy with my little eye something starting with actually I have TWO normal eyed

My girlfriend sent “a let’s break up text” right when I was done editing our pics 😮‍💨

IN memory of Michael Jackson, various ice cream companies are introducing the jackson Chocolte ice cream, it is either 50 year old cream mixed in with 10 year old nuts, or 7 year old vanilla ice cream with 50 year old chocolate drizled on 4 year old tiny nuts.

what the difference between a orphan and an apple. The apples always get picked

why do orphans want to become criminals to know what it fills like to be wanted

Great news for all star wars fans who can't wait until the next movie!!


Shrek once went to the movies and when he sat down he felt this slimy and sticky feeling on the chair, so he stood up and complained about his chair being dirty... until he realized that he forgot to wipe earlier... so he stopped complaining and went back to his chair and sat back down.