Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

My mom has a toy that I see the all the girls and guys seem to play to play with and the toy is between my mom's legs.

As a brother I'm have to report my sister has a few new symptoms that's is going around and those symptoms is that she has big titties, sweat pussy, and a great personality.

Person 1 " I love KFC" Person 2 "yeah, me too!" Person 1 " How many have you gotten?" Person 2 " How am I supposed too remember how many buckets of chicken I have ordered!?" Person 1 " Chicken? What chicken, what do you think KFC stands for?" Person 2 "? Kentucky Fried Chicken?" Person 1 " What? I thought it meant kidnapping foster children." Person 2 " BLOODY WHATT??"

Iโ€™ve always been a bit insecure about having thicker thighs.

Now I realize it allows me to fit more scars!

What did the mama moose say to the calf after it got on her nerves? I'm not a-moosed right now.

Every time you feel lucky to have your mother in your life, what should you tell her? I really hit the mother lode with you.

Why was it so hard for the pirate to call his mom? Because she left the phone off the hook!