Worst Jokes Ever

Worst Jokes Ever

4 people online

Why was the orphan so successful? Because when he was told go big or go home he only had one option.

me imaging how batman hairline looks like nobody: me:his hairline kinda do looks like a batman symbol

your hairline so far back that when i put on my glasses i thought i saw a M for Mcdonald's on your hairline

What’s black, white, and red all over?- A nun in a blender

You look like a double dipped chocolate chip cliff flipped glazed charcoal slim jim Mr. clog hunch frap no feet 9 arms 17 stomachs you stepdad beat you with a wiffle ball bat NBA youngboy was in your bathroom spitting on you and now you got herpes on your left side cheek

Clash Royale=CR Angry Birds=AB Minecraft=MC Talking Ben=TB Clash of Clans=COC🤨