What does Yoda say when he’s at the strip club? Dirty bitch, you are
A nickname to call your short GF:
Little ankle biter Master Yoda Hasbula My little Ewok
Why does Yoda like to get molested? Because he likes the Force.
Why did Yoda go to jail for rape?
He doesn't get consent; he just uses the force.
Why did the Star Wars movies come out 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3?
Yoda was in charge of scheduling.
What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K? "HDMI."
So you see all these Baby Yoda memes when you go online, But you have never really seen the show with him. He is just SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you call a Jedi teacher who lives in a forest?
Obi-Wan Canopy
"Are you related to Yoda?" "Because Yo-Delicious."
What did Yoda say to Luke during his wedding ceremony?
"May divorce be with you."
What car do elves drive? Toy-yodas
What kind of car does Yoda drive? A Toyoda.
Why is 5 afraid of 7? Because 6 7 8 -Yoda
What do you call a nervous Jedi?
Why did the Star Wars movies come out in the sequence 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3? -- Because Yoda was in charge of the sequence.