Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
What does Stephen Hawking say after sex? That was wheely good.
Levon Aronian's wife died in a car crash. That's wheelie unfortunate.
I got sent to the principal's office after telling the kid in the wheelchair to do a wheelie.
What did Steven Hawkins wife say to him having sex ? Your wheelie good at this
What does an Asian say when his car tires burst on the highway?
"Some Ting Wheely Wong!"
Some kid in a wheelchair called me fat.
I told her, "Do a wheelie!"
When the kid in the wheelchair scares you... you wheelie scared me.
I was in a wheelchair for a few weeks last month.
I went through a super traumatic experience, and I *wheely* hope I made a good *roll* model!
Why is the wheel the best invention?
Becuase it's wheely wheely great!
There was a man in a wheelchair, and he got knocked out in front of a bus. He had a wheelie good life!
What did the car say when it crashed? Thats Wheely unfortunate.
Why did the bike fall over? 'Cause it was wheely tired.
He told me that he was in a wheelchair, and I asked, "Oh, wheely?"
I almost got run over by a car.
For the rest of the day I was taking the backseat as I was wheely tried.
Stephen Hawking died because he did a wheelie and unplugged his charger.
person with wheelchair makes a joke * no one laughs*
inner thought * wheely Manerva wheely*
Knock knock. Who's there ? Stephen Hawking. Wheelie ?
That's wheely (really) sad.
i glad stephen hawking died because he was wheely wheely bad