Stephen Hawking talks by clicks. Two clicks is "hi," and five is "dab me up."
Stephen Hawking shows up to a car meet-up.
How did Stephen hawking die?of a bad internet connection
I made this one up my self just now.
Stephen hawking would be a good pilot becuase the aircraft would be the first to take off and land in autopilot.
If I tell Stephen about these jokes, what is he gonna do? Chase after me? He better run fast!
Oh no, I feel bad for Stephen Hawking. He can’t get up the stairway to Heaven.
What did Stephen hawking say when he died?
"Windows shut down sound"
how did stephen-hawking die? he hit alt-f4
Stephen hawking was talking about a cash register at Costco when he said I can’t stand these people😳😳😳😳😳😳what did he saaaaaaayyyyyyy
Some say Stephen Hawking was a genius, but I never heard him say anything intelligent.
What is Stephen Hawkings favorite place in fortnite the reboot van
What is Stephen Hawking's least favorite movie?
Standing Tall.
so, Stephen Hawking walked into a bar- oh, wait a minute!!!! rewind!! so, Stephen Hawking rolled into a bar......
So Stephen Hawking walked into a grocery store Never mind
Why can't Stephen Hawking be a Rocket League car? Because he can't jump for an aerial.
whats the diffrant between stephen hawking and rocket league you cant stand up
What is Stephen hawking best side
The left
Whats Stephen Hawkings favourite song??
Rollin and controllin
Person 1: Wasn’t Stephen Hawking on X Factor?
Person 2: No, why would he be on X Factor?
Person 1: For dancing.
Did you hear Stephen Hawking has a new book out?
It's about time