Stephen Hawking is just in a role play. He died to a crash in Minecraft.
You can only say "Kobe" now when you're playing flight simulator.
What was the favorite game in 2001? Flight simulator.
The Twin Towers are like Angry Birds in real life.
What is an orphan’s favourite Roblox game
Adopt me
Why do orphans not build houses in Minecraft? Because they want it to be realistic.
Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because when they spawned in a Minecraft world, all they got was plains.
Why do orphans play Sims?
Because they can make themselves a family.
What's an orphan's favorite Roblox game?
Adopt Me.
I got the newest Call of Duty game! I got a 200 kill streak, then I went home and played COD.
I just reached 10 million pounds in Euro Truck Simulator, but it's not even close to what Rakhmat Akilov achieved.
Your the wrist slitting simulator champion
What’s New York’s favorite game?
2001 flight simulator.
What's the a simulation between a penis and a Rubik's cube?
The more you play with it, the harder it gets.