What do you call a serial killer that only kills fat people? A mass murderer.
Ted Bundy walks into a bar wearing all black. The bartender asks, “Whose funeral is it?” Ted Bundy looks around the room and replies, “I haven’t decided yet.”
What did Jeffrey Dahmer do after dumping his first boyfriend?
What do you find in Jeffrey Dahmer's shower?
Heads and shoulders.
Why did the serial killer let the guy in a wheelchair go? Because the guy didn’t really have any body for the serial killer to stab
The police department made a new machine that will teleport you back to prison if you commit a crime. The police release 4 criminals. I hacker, a rapist, a serial killer and a drug lord. The hacker tries to hack a bank. The hacker gets teleported back to prison. The drug lord tries to cook meth. The drug lord gets teleported back to prison. Now the serial decides that she want’s to change, but when she see a knife she just can’t help it. He bends down to pick up the knife and the rapist get teleported back to prison
Why did Jeffery Dahmer not eat old people? he does not like roasted vegetables
What’s the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and a priest
That both like lil boys
What is jefree dhamers favorite restaurant?
Five guys
What did they find in jeffery dahmers apartment?
jack in a box.
What is the difference between orphans and serial killers serial killers are wanted
The real dead hooked joke is on all of us from the Fraser Valley in BC, you know damn well each and everyone of us ate that Pickton hooker Pork. Concidering it stretching from the 80's-2000's pretty sure he got 4 generations of Valley folk with that Pickton Pork.
Why do orphans hate Ted Bundy. Cause he's the most wanted
(Okay, actually improvised this time.)
What's the difference between Jeffrey Dahmer and an Emo?
They're both gay and use knives.
Do you ever wonder why Michael from Halloween likes his mask so much? It's because he ad-MYERS it.
Serial killers be like: blood is red veins are blue, next one is YOU.
. why cant depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging.. . why cant orphans play baseball, Because they cant find home! . a serial killer was at my house all killed all my family but me why, i was in the living room.. . what do sloths and depressed have in common, they both hang off trees.. . what is a group of depressed kids called, the suicide squad
What did the racist serial killer say to the cop?
“Wait, you’re getting paid?”
why did the serial killer cross the rode, to get to the victims house
knock knock who's there, the serial killer
when Ted Bundy found out he was getting the death penalty, he was pretty shocked...