Why is Donald Trump so desperate to break into the White House?
Most landlords cannot lease their properties to him due to the fact that he is a felon.
Why is Donald Trump so desperate to break into the White House?
Most landlords cannot lease their properties to him due to the fact that he is a felon.
What's the difference between Kelly Clarkson and a Florida real estate agent?
A Florida real estate agent screws over seniors, Kelly Clarkson screws little children.
Today on a drive, I decided to go visit my childhood home. I asked the people living there if I could come inside because I was feeling nostalgic, but they refused and slammed the door in my face.
My parents are the worst.
If you were a room in my house, I’d make you the basement.
So I could put kids inside you.
A father bought his depressed son a new house, and then pointing at it, he said, "Hang in there, son!"
If the moon landing was fake, so is your house.
*Ring Ring!*
Who’s there?
Soldier who?
You’ve soldier house! Congrats!